work, family, health, friends and spirit + investment


Thursday, December 28, 2006

The principle of property investment 买房地产的原则

Property is one of my very favourite investment instrument. Right now I am still in process of learning by reading through a lot of articles and paying attention to the property market.

买房地产的第一原则, (you are not buying the property, you are buying the deal) 不要为了买房地产而买房地产, 要把房地产当生意来投资.
第二原则, (you fall in love in the property, you lose money. you fall in love in the deal, you make money)要在房地产投资赚钱, 数据永远重要过外观.
第三原则, (buy, rent & keep for passive income & good rental property. Buy, rent & sell for high capital gain property)要懂得什么房地产是买来收的, 什么房地产是买来炒的.

摘自马来西亚佳礼中文论坛 seaheng